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pediatric hearing care

Hearing Evaluation & Consultation.

mother holding baby while an audiologist examines the ear
side view of a young boy sitting with hearing testing equipment in his ear

Hearing Evaluation.

A hearing evaluation for children involves assessing their ability to hear and understand sounds. This often includes fun activities and games to engage the child, such as responding to sounds or pointing to pictures associated with the sounds.

Behavioral Testing.

Monkey Mouths offers a variety of hearing tests for your child, depending on their age. Behavioral testing techniques include:  

Pediatric Audiology Experts.

The evaluation is conducted by a trained audiologist who specializes in working with children—including those with special needs. Results help determine if your child has any hearing issues, allowing for early intervention and support if needed. Many times, our pediatric evaluations are done in coordination with our audiologist and our audiology assistant in order to obtain most accurate results.

female audiologist smiles while working hearing test equipment

Audiologists In Action

Watch our videos to see how we make pediatric hearing evaluations a breeze, ensuring every kiddo gets the care and attention they need for happy ears!

young boy playing with toys during a hearing evaluation
Play Video
mother holding young daughter during hearing evaluation
Play Video
young boy taking a hearing test
Play Video
side view of a baby having a hearing aid put on

Hearing Technology Fitting.

Our pediatric hearing technology fitting is a personalized experience that ensures precision and comfort. Our expert team works closely with you and your child, ensuring the seamless integration of advanced solutions for a hearing experience that feels just right, enhancing your child’s connection to the world of sound.